/Is everybody in the Marais gay? Probably not, but it's safe to assume.
Have you ever been on a tour in the city you’re visiting, and it has been great, fun, informative but you still have some unanswered questions? And you're not sure if your guide is the type of person to talk about backrooms and cruising...
Here are some questions we think you can only ask a gay tour guide (like us!). It's not that straight guides can't answer these questions, but why take any chances?
It’s easy to find someone who will be able to tell you about the history of the city. Anyone can talk about the kings who lived there, or who besieged the city, or what the deal is with those historic monuments. But what about the gay history? Do you think every tour guide is well-versed in LGBT history? Hopefully if you have a gay guide, he or she should be able to share some stories of the gay history of the city.
Every city has their safer and less safe places, which can also change at different times of the day (notably nighttime). What’s safe for one group can be different for another, i.e. for the gays. Some neighborhoods are just not as tolerant as others. Once again, a gay guide should know this, general because they live in the city and it applies to them, too. We know a thing or two about this in Paris.
Are there lesbians in Paris? We confirm. Yes!
While leading a tour for another company, Bryan has been asked by a client, “What are French girls like?” to which he replies “I hear they’re nice.” The same situation can happen if you have a straight tour guide. What will they really know about dating the locals gays? If your gay guide has lived in the city for any period of time, they’ll more than likely have a few anecdotes and opinions to share with you on the matter. Asking a straight person won't get you very far, but a gay guide can throw you a few tips.
Nightlife comes in many variations, especially within the gay community. You can always ask your gay tour guide where to find decent restaurants, gay bars, clubs, fetish bars, drag shows, saunas or whatever else takes your fancy. You don’t have to worry about being judged because it’s not like the first time we’ve heard about them, and maybe we visit them, too. Ask a straight guide which local sauna is the most fun, and, well, they're probably not straight if they know the answer.
Is that bread in the shape of a penis? We can answer that safely. Yes.
Some cities hold big gay events like Pride that are well known, others may not. You may be lucky enough, or have purposefully planned your trip, to be in town when these events happen. If not, you can always ask your gay guide about it. They should know what's going on in their city, if they're doing their job correctly!
These a just a few thoughts we have, but what do you like to ask your gay guide? Come on tour with us and ask all the questions you'd like!