/…things you may not need anytime soon…
Wow. So our last post didn’t age too well, did it? Confinement has been rough for everyone — literally billions of people — but France is getting back to a semblance of normal.
What have we been doing over the past few weeks? A whole lot of nothing, mostly. We caught up on some TV and hope you’ve all gotten into Versailles, the series. There’s plenty of gay scenes in it that will get you interested in visiting the world-famous chateau one day!
Otherwise, like everyone else, we’ve been playing it safe, cooking new things, keeping in touch with friends and family, and just waiting out the virus. Now that Paris is opening up slowly, we have hope that the tourism industry will come back sooner than later.
That said, our outlook is, well, not excellent at the moment. The industry is hurting.
There are no tours on the horizon, of course, so we’ve been plotting a few new ideas for the future when travelers return. When will that be? Who knows at this point, but LGBTQ travelers are a resilient group, so once it becomes safe, we’re sure they’ll be back to Paris in force.
Fortunately we are happy and healthy and hope that everyone else is, too. If you’re starting to think about touring in the late summer or fall, should it be OK to do so, let us know. We’re eager to get out there, to hit the streets again, and to tour while properly socially distanced.
Here’s to hoping that by Spring 2021, all will be back to normal, and this awful pandemic will be just another hardship that Paris endured and conquered.