/Gay Paris at your fingertips...
Current location: Paris
Sexual Orientation: Gay
That should get things started. Who are we? We are your gay locals, here to help you navigate Paris like, well, a local.
“Gay Paree?” No. Paris is not gay. It is a city, and cities do not have sexual orientations. Not yet at least. But Paris is a great place to be gay and we'd like to share that with you.
This site isn’t about photos of pretty boys, jockstraps, or sexually-suggestive positions. Pornography? We hear the internet has that covered already. Instead, this is a place for anyone to browse, inform themselves, and plan a trip to Paris with unabashedly safe-for-work content. You don’t need to worry about any surprise ads popping up here. We’ll only titillate with our words.
And you’ll like it.
Sometimes, it’s just nice to know that someone else gets it – and we want to be that someone. We’ve been there. Well, we are there. We’re gay in Paris and have struggled at times, but there’s no reason to, not if we can help.
Whether you’re a solo traveler, in a couple, with your family, with your best friends, with your straight friends, or a woman who just wants a gay pal in Paris, we have something for you. Look for our weekly posts about bars, parties, restaurants, trends, and other bits of local life that we think are important, interesting, or just plain adorable.
We want to share Paris’s gay nightlife while also helping you to address any concerns or questions you may have. We’ve worked for the big name news sites and travel guides that might mention gay traveling, but it never seems to be enough, and things change too quickly to keep on top of it all.
But we’re also about people. If you need something during your trip – a night out, a tour of the city, or a bottle of wine to surprise a partner – we are available to help. We want to meet people who want to experience Paris like we do, so why not see it with us as well? Let’s talk, yeah?
And if you just have a question, don’t be shy. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll let you know. And if we do know it, well, you’ll just have to convince us to give it to you.
So for now, look out for posts about gay culture, nightlife, issues, and other foibles that strike our fancy. We hope they strike yours, too.
We're on Twitter, Instagram, and begrudgingly on Facebook, so check us out there as well if you like what we do. Maybe we'll see you around town sometime soon!
A bientôt!