Everyone is preparing for the summer, even Scream. They’re moving to the BiTCH HOUSE, the barge in front of Musee d’Orsay, and will be there every Friday and Saturday of the summer season.
“HOURS: 18:00 – 02:00
ENTRY: Free (just sign up online)
VENUE: Le Quai; Port Solferino, 75007”
It feels like summer with Surf Camp!
Each month is a different theme and dressing up is encouraged. If you don’t have one, it’s not a problem. The crowd is fashionable twenty to thirty-something up for a night of pop, disco and oldies.
“HOURS: 23:30-late
ENTRY: €20 with drink (€15 before 0:30)
VENUE; Club Haussmann; 23, rue Taitbout, 75009”
Every Saturday in July and August, some of the hottest DJs will be spinning for Flash Cocotte down by the river. The fashion crowd will also be there for the beats, drinks and the sun.
“HOURS: 20 :00 – 06 :00
ENTRY: Free before 22h
VENUE: Péniche Concorde Atlantique; Face au 23, quai Anatole France, 75007”
“HOURS: 18:00 – 02:00
ENTRY: Free (just sign up online)
VENUE: Le Quai; Port Solferino, 75007”
For the end of the season, the theme is BAD GIRLS!!! It’s going to be a diva-fest with Beyonce, Mariah and Nicki Minaj.
The comedy club makes an intimate setting for this club night. The crowd is younger but the music is fun and everyone is just looking to have a good time.
“HOURS: 11:45 - 05:00
ENTRY: €12 with a drink
VENUE: Comedy Night Club; 42 bd Bonne Nouvelle, 75010”
“HOURS: 18:00 – 02:00
ENTRY: Free (just sign up online)
VENUE: Le Quai; Port Solferino, 75007”
“HOURS: 20 :00 – 06 :00
ENTRY: Free before 22h
VENUE: Péniche Concorde Atlantique; Face au 23, quai Anatole France, 75007”
“HOURS: 18:00 – 02:00
ENTRY: Free (just sign up online)
VENUE: Le Quai; Port Solferino, 75007”
Who doesn’t love a boat? Cockorico is moving to make the most of summer but they will keep their trademarks of boys, love, music and fashion.
“HOURS: 17:00 – 05:00
ENTRY: €10 with a drink (Free before 20h)
VENUE: Péniche Concorde Atlantique; Face au 23, quai Anatole France, 75007”
Menergy is also on the move and setting up at one of Paris’s trendiest, riverside locations. Start the weekend early at this sexy summer festival.
“HOURS: 18:00 – 06:00
ENTRY: €10 online
VENUE: Wanderlust; 32 quai d’Austerlitz, 75013”
“HOURS: 18:00 – 02:00
ENTRY: Free (just sign up online)
VENUE: Le Quai; Port Solferino, 75007”
“HOURS: 20 :00 – 06 :00
ENTRY: Free before 22h
VENUE: Péniche Concorde Atlantique; Face au 23, quai Anatole France, 75007”
“HOURS: 18:00 – 02:00
ENTRY: Free (just sign up online)
VENUE: Le Quai; Port Solferino, 75007”